Grep Essentials

Match all lines containing "search pattern" in any case (lowercase/uppercase).

-> grep -i "search pattern"

Match all lines containing "search pattern" in any case (lowercase/uppercase) in a particular file/folder.

-> grep -i "search pattern" /path/to/file/or/folder

Match all lines containing "search pattern" in any case (lowercase/uppercase) in multiple files and folders simultaneously.

-> grep -i "search pattern" /path/to/first/file /path/to/folder /path/to/other/dest

-c : Prints count of files

-i : Ignores case (lowercase/uppercase)

-l : Displays only list of files

-n : Display line numbers & matched lines

-v : Prints line which do not match the pattern

-w : Match whole word

Count the number of matches for a pattern

-> grep -c "pattern"

Display line number of the matches

-> grep -n "pattern"

Grep in compressed files.

-> zgrep "pattern" file.gz

Find files modified in the last 5 minutes with

-> find . -type f -mmin -5

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